• Member Since 27th Apr, 2013

Dustin Lange

The smallest changes can make the biggest difference.

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Twilight has taken notice that Pinkie Pie has an extremely unusual set of abilities, and Twilight is determined to find out the source of Pinkie's Power. However, she might not like what she finds

Chapters (1)

Somewhere in the Frozen North, a griffon expedition has gone missing. As the only airship specifically designed for the frigid environment, the Aurora Dawn and her crew's first mission out of the shipyards will be to find and rescue this lost expedition.

If only they knew what the expedition was really out there to find...

Inspired by the collective works of H.P. Lovecraft, though familiarity with Lovecraft's works are not necessary to get this.

I experimented quite a bit with narrative in this story, specifically in using different narrative voices depending upon the perspective. I'll leave it up to the readers if I pulled this off effectively.

My thanks to JawJoe for the exceptionally helpful prereading and suggestions on how to make this story all the better.

Now with a Russian translation, courtesy Steel_Ranger!

Chapters (49)

Super Mario Bros. Wonder comes out tonight, and Luna intends to be the first pony in line to get it. Of course, she isn't going to wait alone. That'd be stupid. And who better to drag to GameStop with her than Anon, the guy with absolutely nothing better to do?

This can only go well.

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight, for all of her knowledge, didn't particularly know that much about Celestia or Luna's past. In an attempt to figure out more about her peers she digs up the infamous time travel spell. Jumping at the chance to gather first-hoof about the only other immortal ponies she dives head first into the past!

Finding that she has stumbled into helping the Princesses on a mighty quest she isn't hesitant to lend a helping hoof but her resolve is quickly tested when not all is what it seems and the past, and present, of Equestria is put at stake!

Follow Twilight, and the would-be Princesses, across the world as they track down dangerous artefacts, delve into dilapidated dungeons and avoid disaster in a race against time itself!

  • Romance will, eventually, be between Luna, Celestia and Twilight.
  • This story will include gratuitous amounts of cuteness at times.
  • There will be action and a little dark here and there, but only because it's the past and fighting does occur. It won't be a regular thing, trust me.
  • There is time travel and Twilight will be jumping around the timeline. But don't think about it too much!
  • The AU tag is only there due to the Princesses still being there, as well as the whole world existing before Equestria thing.
  • The world this story takes place in is: Equestria and Beyond. I absolutely love the detail which was put into this. Obviously there's parts not included, such as the Crystal Empire, etc.

I'm thankful to Dusk Melody for reading through and helping me realise the direction I wanted the story to go in.

Spelling, grammar and general thoughts have been provided by TheGreatEater

The source of the image used is: Magnaluna - Eye contact

Thanks for featuring! <3 Love you peeps!

Chapters (23)

Rainbow hears about a particular speed spell of Starlight's while talking with Twilight. After a talk with Starlight, they agree to test out the spell on Rainbow to see what happens.

Featured March 17-19, 29!

Featured again November 14!!! x333

Chapters (5)

Everyone loves Celestia, and they do not all love Luna. This is because Luna was once evil.

Celestia does not think that is fair, but she has a plan. If she turns evil and her sister saves the day, then ponies will give Luna all the love and attention she deserves!

All Celestia has to do is become evil... but come on, how hard can it be?

Chapters (1)

13 years have passed, Seth is now in his teenage years and has all but forgotten about the adventures his family used to have. Leaving his Island home on Signal to study in Equestria and broaden his horizons, this story will follow his misadventures.

Chapters (5)

Stark has been subjected to some weird things in the course of his life, ever since he donned the iron mantle. Monsters, aliens and intergalactic tv show hosts are just part of the job when you're a hero. But in the peaceful land of Equestria, he will have to face his greatest challenge yet. For he will have to make a choice...and no matter what he chooses, someone is doomed. But what can you do, when you're only a man?

Iron man will once again be based on my favorites versions combined, so expect EMH and more of the cartoon versions than the comics or movies. Same goes for the villain. Gonna be a bit more light hearted that other stories, so expect Tony to be more funny than cynical (though he will be that).

Chapters (28)

Princess Celestia sent her student, Twilight Sparkle, to meet five mares in Ponyville who will help set up the Summer Sun Celebration.

She just never said they'd be hot.

Chinese translation by SoothingBell!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Dear Princess Sunbutt

When Anon takes the liberty to inject his particular brand of humor into Twilight's friendship lessons, Celestia feels the need to respond, more often than not.

A somewhat unofficial sisterfic to 2Merr's Dear Princess Sunbutt

There may not be a response to every letter, and letters 1-11 were taken from my comments in said sister-story.

Please support 2Merr's story too if you like this one. This is written with encouragement of the original author.

(Note: Picture used without permission from Derpibooru. Upon request it will be promptly removed.)

EDIT: Apparently someone's done a reading of this and its sisterfic over on Youtube! Why does nopony tell me these things.

Chapters (154)